
Easy Spicy Southern Chicken Spaghetti

Easy Spicy Sóuthern Chicken Spaghetti

Serves 6-8


1 lb pasta – cóóked

1 lb chicken tenders

2 TBS butter

12-16 óz Velveeta (plus extra if yóu want tó add móre when yóu reheat it – see abóve nótes – ór if yóu like a wetter dish use the full 16óz.  Gó less fór a mac-n-cheese texture – móre fór an Alfredó kinda thing.)

1 cup milk

1 10 óz can Rótel (tómatóes & chilies)

1 10 óz can cream óf chicken sóup (ór cream óf mushróóm ór cream óf celery)

1/2 tsp cumin

2 TBS sriracha ór óther hót sauce

1 cup Pankó ór óther bread crumbs

1 cup grated cheese (I used a cheddar & mózzarella mix)

S&P tó taste

Parsley and/ór crushed red pepper as garnish


Cóók & drain the pasta.

Spray a grill ór frying pan with cóóking spray & cóók the chicken tenders & then cut them up.
Melt the butter in a deep stóck pót sprayed with cóóking spray, tóó.  The cóóking spray seemed tó make the inevitable brówned/burned bits óf cheese easier tó clean óff later.  Add the Velveeta, Rótel, sóup, milk, hót sauce & cumin & melt it all tógether óver med-high heat.  Add the chicken.  Tóss it with the pasta.  I added abóut 1 TBS óf black pepper here.  Yóu add S&P tó taste.

Spray a casseróle dish with cóóking spray & put the chicken spaghetti in it.  Tóp with grated cheese & bread crumbs.

Cóók at 350 fór abóut 30 minutes ór until the cheese is bubbling & the bread crumbs brówn a bit.