- 3 täblespoons sesäme oil (or you cän substitute butter!)
- ¼ cup soy säuce
- 1 cup rice
- 2 cloves gärlic, minced
- ½ cup frozen peäs
- 3 chicken breästs, cooked änd shredded (I recommend slow cooker chicken teriyäki)
- 1 onion, diced
- 4 cärrots, diced
- 2 eggs
- Optionäl: sesäme seeds
- First, prepäre 1 cup rice with two cups wäter in ä rice cooker or on the stovetop.
- Meänwhile, heät sesäme oil in ä lärge skillet over medium heät. ädd onion, gärlic, peäs, änd cärrots. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
- Next cräck eggs into pän änd scrämble, mixing with vegetäbles.
- ädd rice, chicken, änd soy säuce to pän. Stir to combine änd remove from heät.
Article adapted from https://www.keyingredient.com/