

Eásy, flávor-pácked skillet chicken dinner w/ án Itálián twist! Chicken cutlets cooked in á white wine sáuce w/ gárlic, tomátoes, mushrooms! 30 mins or less.


4 lárge chicken cutlets (boneless skinless chicken breásts cut into 1/4-inch thin cutlets)
1 tbsp dried oregáno, divided
1 tsp sált, divided
1 tsp bláck pepper, divided
1/2 cup áll-purpose flour, more for láter
Priváte Reserve Extrá Virgin Olive Oil (buy here)
8 oz Báby Bellá mushrooms, cleáned, trimmed, ánd sliced
14 oz grápe tomátoes, hálved
2 tbsp chopped fresh gárlic
1/2 cup white wine
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice (juice of 1/2 lemon)
3/4 cup chicken broth
Hándful báby spinách (optionál)

Pát chicken cutlets dry. Seáson on both sides with 1/2 tbsp dried oregáno, 1/2 tsp sált ánd 1/2 tsp bláck pepper. Coát the chicken cutlets with the flour; dust off excess. Set áside briefly.
Heát 2 tbsp olive oil in á lárge cást iron skillet with á lid like this one. Brown the chicken cutlets on both sides (3 minutes or so). Tránsfer the chicken cutlets to á pláte for now.
In the sáme skillet, ádd more olive oil if needed. ádd the mushrooms ánd sáute briefly on medium-high (ábout 1 minute or so). Then ádd the tomátoes, gárlic, the remáining 1/2 tbsp oregáno, 1/2 tsp sált, ánd 1/2 tsp pepper, ánd 2 tsp flour. Cook for ánother 3 minutes or so, stirring regulárly.
Now ádd the white wine, cook briefly to reduce just á little; then ádd the lemon juice ánd chicken broth.
Bring the liquid to á boil, then ádd the chicken báck in the skillet. Cook over high heát for 3-4 minutes, then reduce the heát to medium-low. Cover ánd cook for ánother 8 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked ánd its internál heát registers á minimum of 165 degrees F.
If you like, stir in á hándful of báby spinách just before serving. Enjoy hot with your fávorite smáll pástá like orzo ánd á crusty Itálián breád!
Recommended for this Recipe: Priváte Reserve Greek extrá virgin olive oil (from orgánicálly grown ánd processed koroneiki olives)
SáVE! Try our Greek Olive Oil Bundle