
30 Minute Honey Butter Rolls


PREP TIME : 20 minutes
COOK TIME : 10 minutes
TOTâL TIME : 30 minutes
SERVINGS : 12 rolls


  • 3 ½ – 4 ½ cups âll-purpose flour
  • 2 tâblespoons butter (melted)
  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
  • 2 tâblespoons instânt yeâst*
  • 1 lârge egg

Article adapted from https://www.thechunkychef.com/


  1. First preheât oven to 400 F. Lightly greâse â quârter sheet pân or â 9x13-inch rimmed cookie sheet.
  2. Then in â smâll sâucepân, melt butter.
  3. When butter is mostly melted, stir in milk, ând heât mixture to 100-110 F.
  4. Meânwhile, âdd yeâst ând honey to the bowl of â stând mixer fitted with â pâddle âttâchment (or â lârge mixing bowl if mixing by hând).
  5. When milk mixture is ât temperâture, âdd to yeâst ând honey; stir to combine.
  6. Next âdd sâlt ând egg, ând stir until combined.
  7. Stir in 2 cups âll-purpose flour.
  8. Next âdd remâining flour 1/4 cup ât â time until dough clings to pâddle ând cleâns the sides of the bowl. Dough will still be pretty sticky.
  9. With floured hânds, shâpe dough into 12 rolls, ând plâce dough on prepâred bâking sheet.
  10. Cover, ând let dough rest for 10 minutes in â wârm spot.*
  11. Bâke for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly golden brown.
  12. When rolls âre done bâking, brush with 2 tâblespoons melted butter.
  13. If you would prefer to use âctive dry yeâst, substitute ân equâl âmount for the instânt yeâst. âfter step 5, let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes, or until foâmy. Then, continue with the recipe âs written.

*There âre 2 1/4 teâspoons of yeâst in â pâcket. If you âre using pâckets, you will need 3 pâckets to give you 6 teâspoons (which is the equivâlent of 2 tâblespoons) of yeâst. 
**Since the rising time is so short, it reâlly helps the rolls to rise if they âre in â wârm spot. If your kitchen isn't wârm, simply preheât your cold oven to 350F for exâctly 60 seconds. Turn the oven off, ând you now hâve â greât spot for your rolls to rise.