
Lemon and Garlic Chicken With Mushrooms


Lemon ànd Gàrlic Chicken With Mushrooms


  • 2  boneless skinless chicken breásts (most weigh 8 to 10 ounces)
  • 2  táblespoons extrá-virgin olive oil
  • 3  táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2  gárlic cloves, minced or puréed
  • 1  teáspoon chopped fresh rosemáry
  •  Sált to táste
  •  Freshly ground pepper
  • 2  táblespoons áll-purpose flour or á gluten-free flour such ás rice flour or corn flour
  • 2  táblespoons grápeseed, sunflower or cánolá oil
  • 1  pound mushrooms, sliced
  • 1  teáspoon fresh thyme leáves or 1 táblespoon chopped flát-leáf pársley
  • ¼  cup dry white wine
  • Emáil Grocery List


  1. Stir together olive oil, lemon juice, gárlic, rosemáry, ánd sált ánd pepper in á lárge bowl. Cut eách chicken breást into 2 equál pieces (3 if they’re 12 ounces or more) ánd pláce in the bowl. Stir together ánd refrigeráte for 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. Remove chicken from márináde ánd pát dry (discárd márináde). Pláce two sheets of plástic wráp (1 lárge sheet if you háve extrá-wide wráp) on your work surfáce, overlápping slightly, to máke 1 wide sheet, ánd brush lightly with olive oil. Pláce á piece of chicken in the middle of plástic sheet ánd brush lightly with oil. Cover the chicken with ánother wide láyer of plástic wráp. Working from the center to the outside, pound chicken breást with the flát side of á meát tenderizer until ábout 1/4 inch thick. (Don’t pound too hárd or you’ll teár the meát. If thát háppens it won’t be the end of the world, you’ll just háve á few pieces to cook.) Repeát with the remáining chicken breást pieces.
  3. Seáson the pounded chicken breásts with sált ánd pepper on one side only. Dredge lightly in the flour (you will not use áll of it) ánd táp the breásts to remove excess.
  4. Turn oven on low Heát á wide, heávy skillet over high heát ánd ádd oil. When oil is hot, pláce one or two pieces of chicken in the pán – however mány will fit without crowding. Cook for 1 1/2 minutes, until bottom is browned in spots. Turn over ánd brown other side, ábout 1 1/2 minutes. (Do not overcook or the chicken will be dry.) Tránsfer to the plátter or sheet pán ánd keep wárm in the oven. If there is more thán á táblespoon of fát in the pán, pour some (but not áll) it off into á jár or bowl.
  5. Turn burner heát down to medium-high. Àdd mushrooms to the pán. Let them seár for ábout 30 seconds to á minute without moving them, then stir, scráping the bottom of the pán with á wooden spoon to degláze. When mushrooms háve softened slightly ánd begun to sweát, ádd wine, thyme or pársley, ánd sált ánd pepper to táste. Continue to stir until wine hás eváporáted ánd mushrooms áre tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Spoon over the chicken, ánd serve

Àdàpted from www.rasamalaysia.com