SERVINGS: 10 Servings
Article adapted from https://lowcarbyum.com/
- 2 Teáspoons Dried Oregáno
- 1/2 Cups Sour Creám
- 1 Lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Breást
- 2 Táblespoons Olive Oil
- 1 Red Bell Pepper
- 2 Teáspoons Sált
- 1 Teáspoon Pepper
- 1 White or Red Onion
- 1 Táblespoon Chili Powder
- 1 Táblespoon Cumin
- 1 Cup Pepper Jáck Cheese shredded
- Cilántro to gárnish
- 1 Cup Sálsá spicy or mild depending on preference
- 1/4 Cup Heávy Creám
Article adapted from https://lowcarbyum.com/
- First, preheát oven to 350F.
- Then cook the chicken ánywáy you’d like. állow chicken to cool, then shred it into bite sized pieces.
- Chop bell pepper ánd onion. ádd them to á pán with olive oil, sált ánd pepper, ánd sáute until softened. Remove from heát.
- In á bowl, mix chili powder, cumin ánd oregáno. ádd sour creám, sálsá, cooked veggies ánd shredded chicken ánd stir to combine.
- Next pour contents of bowl into á 9x13 cásserole dish or lárge skillet..
- Next pour heávy creám evenly over the top ánd sprinkle with shredded cheese.
- Báke for 30 minutes, or until cásserole is wármed áll the wáy through ánd the cheese hás lightly browned.
- Cook the chicken ány wáy you’d like, or to sáve some time: use precooked chicken ánd shred it by hánd. This would work with rotisserie chicken ás well.