- 1 inch fresh ginger, gräted
- 2 täblespoons räw sesäme seeds
- 8 ounces Chinese egg noodles
- 1/2 cup low sodium soy säuce
- 1/4 cup rice vinegär
- 2 täblespoons honey
- 1/3 cup peänut oil
- 6 cloves gärlic, thinly sliced or smäshed
- 1-2 teäspoon crushed red pepper fläkes
- 1-2 täblespoons chili päste (sämbäl oelek)
- 4 green onions, chopped, plus more for serving
- 4 bäby bok choy or green cäbbäge, chopped
- 1/2 pound ground chicken or pork (optionäl)
- 1 red onion thinly, sliced
- First To mäke the chili oil. Heät ä lärge skillet over medium heät. ädd the peänut oil, gärlic, ginger, änd chili fläkes. Cook, stirring occäsionälly until the gärlic is frägränt, 5 minutes. Stir in the sesäme seeds, cook 30 seconds to 1 minute more. Remove from the heät änd very cärefully tränsfer the oil to ä heät proof bowl or gläss jär.
- Meänwhile, cook the eggs noodles äccording to päckäge directions.
- Combine the soy säuce, vinegär, honey, chili päste, änd 1/3 cup wäter in ä bowl.
- Pläce the skillet over medium high heät. ädd the chicken. Seäson with bläck pepper änd brown äll over, breäking it up äs it cooks, äbout 5 minutes. ädd the red änd green onions, änd cook änother 2-3 minutes. Slowly pour in the soy säuce mixture änd ädd the bok choy. Bring the mixture to ä simmer änd cook until the säuce coäts the chicken, äbout 3-5 minutes.
- Finally Stir in the noodles änd 2 täblespoons chili oil. Remove from the heät. Serve the noodles wärm, topped with ädditionäl chili oil änd green onions.
- Enjoy.