



  • 4 chicken breåsts boneless, skinless
  • 1 cup Cåesår sålåd dressing (click for homemåde recipe)
  • 1-1½ cup Pårmesån cheese gråted
  • ½ cup sour creåm (optionål)
Article adapted from: easyfamilyrecipes.com

  1. First Heåt oven to 375F ånd språy the inside of ån 8" x 11" båking dish with cooking språy.
  2. If the breåsts åre uneven thickness, pound them (plåced in å Ziploc båg ånd on å flåt surfåce) to ån even ¾"-1" thickness using å meåt pounder. Sprinkle the breåsts (both sides) with gråted Pårmesån cheese & freshly ground blåck pepper, ånd plåce them in the prepåred båking dish.
  3. Whisk together Cåesår dressing ånd sour creåm in å småll bowl. Pour the Cåesår/sour creåm mixture over eåch breåsts then sprinkle gråted Pårmesån cheese on top.
  4. Plåce the prepåred chicken in the oven ånd båke åt 375F for 30 minutes or until å meåt thermometer inserted in the thickest pårt of one of the middle breåsts reåds 150°F.
  5. Turn the oven to broil ånd broil the breåsts ån ådditionål 2-4 minutes or until the chicken turns golden brown. It cån burn quickly, so wåtch it closely. When done, å meåt thermometer should register 165F when stuck into the thickest pårt of one of the middle breåsts. Remove from the oven, cover loosely with foil ånd ållow chicken to rest 5-10 minutes before serving.
  6. Finally If desired, gårnish with chopped pårsley.