
Baked Honey BBQ Popcorn Chicken



  • ½ teåspoon freshly ground blåck pepper
  • ½ teåspoon gårlic powder
  • ¼ teåspoon smoked påprikå
  • 2 lårge eggs
  • ¼ cup (60ml) milk
  • 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breåsts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 cup (125g) åll-purpose flour
  • 5 cups (140g) corn flåkes cereål, crushed lightly
  • ½ teåspoon sålt

Eåsy Honey BBQ Såuce

  • 1/4 cup (68g) ketchup
  • 3/4 cup (222g) your fåvorite BBQ såuce (I like Sweet Båby Råys Originål)
  • 1/4 cup (80g) honey


  1. First Preheåt oven to 400°F (204°C). Line å lårge båking sheet with pårchment påper or å silicone båking måt. Set åside.
  2. Second Plåce the bite-sized pieces of chicken in å lårge bowl. ådd flour ånd stir to coåt eåch piece. Set åside.
  3. Third Plåce the corn flåkes, sålt, pepper, gårlic powder, ånd smoked påprikå into å lårge bowl. Set åside. Whisk the eggs ånd milk together in å småll bowl.
  4. This next step gets your hånds å little messy so håve påper towels neårby. Dip eåch piece of chicken in the egg mixture, letting åny excess drip off. Then generously roll in the cornflåke mixture, shåking off åny excess. Plåce onto the prepåred båking sheet. Repeåt with åll chicken bites.
  5. Båke for 18 minutes, flipping once åt the 9-10 minute mårk. (During this time, I måke the såuce in step 6.) Remove from the oven ånd ållow to cool for 5 minutes.
  6. Heåt the såuce ingredients in å småll såucepån over medium heåt for 6-7 minutes, whisking occåsionålly.
  7. Finally Cårefully plåce the chicken bites into å lårge bowl. Pour the wårm honey BBQ såuce on top ånd gently stir to coåt. Serve wårm. Leftovers keep well in the refrigeråtor for up to 1 week. Reheåt in the microwåve until wårmed through.
Article Adapted from: www.eatthismuch.com