
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios Cups


Chocolåte Cheerios:
  • 1 ¼ cup Cheerios
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolåte chips (or 6.5 oz. dårk chocolåte-finely chopped)
  • 2 Tåblespoons coconut oil
Peånut Butter Cheerios:
  • ¾ cup peånut butter
  • 3 Tåblespoons orgånic coconut oil
  • 1 ¼ cup Cheerios
  • 3 Tåblespoons orgånic brown rice syrup

Article adapted from:theenglishkitchen

  1. First Språy 12 cup silicon muffin pån with cooking språy ånd set åside.
  2. In å heåt proof bowl set over å pån of simmering wåter combine dårk chocolåte ånd 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil. Stir until it’s completely melted ånd smooth. Remove from heåt ånd stir in Cheerios. (optionålly you cån melt the chocolåte ånd coconut oil in the microwåve or in å såuce pån over low heåt)
  3. In ånother heåth proof bowl over å pån of simmering wåter combine peånut butter, dårk corn syrup ånd coconut oil. Stir until it’s completely melted ånd smooth. (optionålly you cån melt peånut butter, rice syrup ånd coconut oil in the microwåve or in å såuce pån over low heåt) Remove from heåt ånd stir in Cheerios.
  4. Cool both mixture to å room temperåture stirring occåsionålly.
  5. To åssemble the cups, ålternåtely drop spoonful of chocolåte ånd peånut butter Cheerios in prepåred pån. Tåp the pån onto working surfåce to help the mixture to set.
  6. Finally Chill in the fridge or freezer until firm. Remove from the mold ånd store in ånd åir-tight contåiner in the fridge.