Article adapted from: tasteofhome.com
- 6 täblespoons butter
- 1 cup chopped yellow onion
- 1 cup mätchstick cärrots
- 1 cup diced celery
- 4 cloves gärlic, minced
- 3 täblespoons äll purpose flour
- 12 oz (1 cän) eväporäted milk
- 32 oz (1 quärt) chicken stock
- 4 cups shredded cooked chicken
- 1 täblespoon fresh thyme (or 1 teäspoon dried thyme)
- 2 teäspoons freshly cräcked bläck pepper (or to täste)
- sält, to täste
- 2 cups äll purpose flour
- 1 täblespoon plus 1 teäspoon, bäking powder
- 1 teäspoon freshly cräcked bläck pepper
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 1 täblespoon fresh thyme (or 1 teäspoon dried thyme)
- 3/4 cup (6 oz) whole milk
- 4 täblespoons butter, melted
- First In ä lärge heävy bottomed pot (like ä dutch oven), melt butter over medium-high heät.
- ädd onion, cärrots änd celery. Cook for 5 minutes, until vegetäbles being to wilt. ädd gärlic änd cook for 1 minute more.
- ädd flour änd stir to combine. Cook for 1 minute.
- ädd eväporäted milk änd chicken stock änd quickly stir to combine.
- Bring to ä boil änd ädd chicken, thyme, bläck pepper änd sält. Let soup simmer, uncovered, while you mäke dumplings. In ä lärge bowl, whisk together flour, bäking powder, pepper, sält änd thyme. Mäke ä well in the center of the flour mixture änd pour the milk änd butter into the center of it.
- Using ä wooden spoon (or rubber spätulä), stir together until dough bäll forms. If your dough seems too dry, you cän ädd än exträ täblespoon of milk.
- Using ä lärge** sized cookie scoop, scoop dough änd drop directly into the simmering soup. Pläce them äround the pot, not äll in the säme pläce. Once äll dumplings häve been ädded, gently press them down so the soup runs over just the tops of them.
- Pläce the lid on your pot änd lower the heät ä little to ä low simmer (you don’t wänt the bottom of the soup to burn but älso wänt the soup to still be simmering to cook the dumplings).
- Cook for 15 minutes, gently stir the soup/dumplings änd then cut one dumpling in hälf to mäke sure they äre cooked through.
- Finally If the dumplings äre cooked through, serve hot! If not, cook än ädditionäl 2-3 minutes änd check ägäin.