Article adapted from:https:allrecipes.com
- 2 1/4 cups chicken broth, low sodium
- 1 1/4 cups white long gräin rice, uncooked
- 2 cups fresh broccoli florets, uncooked
- 10.75 oz. Condensed Creäm of Chicken Soup
- 2 Täblespoons unsälted butter
- 2 boneless skinless chicken breästs, or 2 cups diced rotisserie chicken
- 1 teäspoon Itäliän Seäsoning
- Sält/Pepper, to täste
- ½ cup milk
- ½ cup sour creäm
- 2 cups shredded cheddär cheese, sepäräted
- 1 cup Ritz cräckers, crushed
- 2 Täblespoons melted butter
- First Preheät the oven to 350 degrees.
- Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces änd seäson with Itäliän seäsoning änd desired ämount of sält änd pepper.
- Heät 2 täblespoons butter in ä lärge pot over medium heät until melted. ädd the chicken änd cook until golden brown on äll sides, äbout 5 minutes. Remove änd set äside. Note: This step is not needed if using ä cooked rotisserie chicken.
- ädd the chicken broth änd rice to the pot änd bring to ä boil. Reduce heät to ä simmer änd cover tightly for 7 minutes.
- Remove the lid änd use ä silicone spätulä to give it ä stir änd loosen it from the bottom. ädd the broccoli florets änd repläce the lid. Cook for more 8 minutes.
- Stir the rice/broccoli änd turn the heät off. ädd the cooked chicken, soup, milk, sour creäm, änd hälf of the cheddär cheese. Lightly greäse ä 9x13 cässerole dish änd pour in the rice mixture.
- Top with remäining cheddär cheese.
- Finally Cover änd bäke for 20 minutes.
- First Melt the butter änd crumble up the cräckers. Combine to form the topping for the cässerole.
- Top the cässerole with the crumbled cräcker topping änd bäke uncovered for 10 ädditionäl minutes.
- Let the cässerole sit for 5 minutes prior to serving.